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A rich history of chemistry teachers sharing
1973 University of Waterloo ON 1975 University of Waterloo ON 1977 University of Waterloo ON 1979 University of Waterloo ON 1981 University of Waterloo ON 1983 Butler University IN 1985 Montclair State University NJ 1987 Queen’s University ON 1989 Queen’s University ON 1991 University of Wisconsin WI 1993 Butler University IN 1995 Old Dominion VA 1997 University of Minneapolis MN 1999 Sacred Heart University CT 2001 York University ON 2003 Auburn University AL 2005 University of British Columbia BC 2007 University of North Texas TX 2009 Radford University VA 2011 Western Michigan University MI 2013 University of Waterloo ON ChemEd 2015 Kennesaw State, Georgia (Left Michelle Head (Chair ChemEd 2015) and Donna J. Nelson (science advisor to the AMC television show Breaking Bad along with the 2016 President of the American Chemical Society) 2017 South Dakota State University SD 2019 North Central College IL