Presenter Information

Welcome presenters! 

On behalf of the ChemEd 2023 Committee, thank you for presenting at the conference! To have the conference run smoothly, we ask that you please read the following information: 


  • A campus map will be available at registration and on the website. 
  • Each room/session will have a conference volunteer present to assist with last-minute problems. This volunteer will also introduce you to the audience and signal you when there are 5 minutes left in your presentation. 
  • For rooms SSC 1303-1306, 1504, 1511, 2313, 2315 & 3317: 
  • presenters will need to bring their own laptop (and necessary adapters) to connect to the projector, 
  • HDMI and VGA cables provided (SSC 1303 has USB instead of VGA);  
  • rooms also have audio (not 1303 or 2313) & ethernet (not 1504 & 2315) cables 
  • whiteboards are also available in each room. 
  • For lab rooms SSC 2101-2105 and 2108: 
  • projector is connected to a computer so you can use a flash drive or you can connect to the projector with your personal laptop. 
  • whiteboards and a document camera are also available in each room 
  • For lab room SSC 2109 
  • a document camera is connected to the four displays in the room 
  • presenters will require their own laptop (and necessary adapters) to connect to the displays (HDMI only) 
  • a chalkboard is also available in this lab room. 
  • Rooms will open at 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. If you need access to your room prior to these times, please contact  ASAP. 

Set-up/Take down 

  • Unless otherwise indicated (or specially requested), you will have 15 minutes prior to your presentation to set up, and 15 minutes at the end to clean up before the next session begins. Please be courteous and respectful towards other presenters scheduled before or after you. 
  • We ask that you please respect the start and finish times so that the participants can make it to their next session. 

Equipment/Chemicals/Glassware and Waste 

  • The chemicals, equipment, and glassware you have requested will be delivered to your room. Please go through all the material BEFORE you begin to set up and determine if you need anything. If you need something, please tell the Lab Volunteer, and they will make arrangements.  
  • Waste containers will be provided. Please fill out the label (full chemical names and concentrations) and affix it to the bottle.  
  • When your presentation is complete, please put all reagents and equipment back into the fume hood. A volunteer will remove them, as well as the waste. 


  • If there is a spill or accident, let the Lab Volunteer know ASAP. 
  • An accident report will need to be completed.   

We appreciate all the hard work that goes into presenting! We hope you enjoy yourself at ChemEd 2023! 

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