Photos above are from some of the Best of ChemEd presenters
(Doug Ragan, Michael Jansen, Alfredo Mateus, Bob Worley and Andres Tretiakov)
Are there any face-to-face events planned for 2021?
The Best of ChemEd will all be virtual in 2021.
Do you have to be a member of AACT to be able to participate in Best of ChemEd?
For Best of ChemEd, you will not need to be a member. If you want to have access to the videos of the sessions after the symposium, you will need to be an AACT member.
Do I need to register for Best of ChemEd?
Yes, you will need to register with an email address to attend. The link to the session days will be sent to this email address. Registration is now opened at the AACT website.
Do I need to register for each day?
Yes! In order for us to record each day’s sessions, we needed to set up registration for each individual day. Luckily autofill will make registering for each day less painful!
Can I get a recording of the Best of ChemEd sessions?
Although live events on each day are free, these recordings will be only available to AACT members.
Will ChemEd provide proof of attendance to be used towards Professional Development?
AACT will provide a link to a post-symposium survey that will dynamically generate personalized certificates of attendance. All attendees will be able to generate certificates of attendance as needed. This will not be limited to AACT members.
Do you have to live in the USA to participate in Best of ChemEd with the American Associate of Chemistry Teachers?
No, anyone can attend the live session. You will need to register to attend via GoToWebinar.
Do you need to register for the social events?
We will send you information about the social events in June and let you know what you have to do to participate. There will be no cost to any of the social events.
What is the social media for Best of ChemEd and contact?
To avoid confusion, until our Best of ChemEd virtual conference is over, we will be using our @ChemEd2021, email address and this website URL. Once this virtual event is over, we will be moving to ChemEd2023! Please use the #BestofChemEd on Twitter!
Where will ChemEd 2023 and ChemEd 2025 be hosted?
ChemEd 2023 will be hosted by the University of Guelph, Ontario Canada.
ChemEd 2025 will be hosted by The Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Can I volunteer to help?
Yes please! We will need help with social events. When you sign up for email updates, make sure you indicate you are willing to volunteer.
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