In ChemEd 2023, we have over 100 presenters. Our Presenters Index allows you to easily find presenters.
ChemEd 2023 presenters have shared resources for download. Opinions expressed are those of the presenters. We recommend professional caution in adopting other people’s experiments and demonstrations. The University of Guelph does not take responsibility for the information shared in these documents.
Presenters Index:
Helpful Links: Search by presentation time in schedule, Presenter information
Make and Takes (Raoul Vaz, Gabriele Wehrle, Alyssa Francavilla)
Graduate Student Presenters (Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) Symposium)
Jessica Ames
Warren Andayi
Peggy Au
Jamie Benigna
Kyle Beran
Peter Bohacek
Paula Butler
Tess Carlson
Andy Cherkas
Karen Choo
Yvonne Clifford
Stephanie Coyle
Deanna Cullen
Linda Cummings
Jeramy DeBry
Doug DeLaMatter
Noreen Demeria
Stacey Deneka
Adrian Dingle
Greg Dodd
Scott Donnelly
Katy Dornbos
Kristen Drury
John Eix
Sandra Eix
Elise Eng
Sarah English
Joan Esson
Caleb Evans
Michael Farabaugh
Dave Fish
Jamie Flint
Robyn Ford
Travis Fridgen
Christian Glandorf
Stephan Graham
Ashley Green
Stephanie Harry
Christine Hermann
Michelle Herridge
Nüs Hisim
Kristin Hofferberth
Ken Hoffman
Kathleen Holley
Dorothy Holley
Jon Holmes
Sara Hubbard
Anjana Iyer
Derek Jackson
Michael Jansen
Rachel Johnson
Jeffrey Kallen
Josh Kenney
Sue Klemmer
Eric Knispel
Christopher Koutros
Tom Kuntzleman
Lori Kurth
Tina Lulla
Diana Mason
Kristina McDonald
Andrew McLeod
Siobhan McVay
Matthew Miller
Tihana Mirkovic
Jonathon Moir
Ari Myllyviita
Hannah Nandor
Erin Otte-Meyer
Roger Palmer
Eric Pantano
Mark Pfeifer
Paul Price
Leanne Racicot
Doug Ragan
Abbey Ramdeo
Geoff Rayner-Canham
Sarah Regli
Neil Reimer
Amy Roediger
Regina Rüffler
Anne Schmidt
Ariel Serkin
Melanie Shedd
William R. Smith
Amy Snyder
Steve Sogo
Karen Sorensen
Jeff Spencer
Desiree Starzyk
Kate Stuttaford
Samantha Sullivan Sauer
Rajasree Swaminathan
Lisa Talesnick
Gidget Tay
Erica Taylor
Laura Trout
Chris Walter
Katie Wibby
Bob Worley
Kathryn Zaborowski
Cathy Zavacki